Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Can Crayfish Live Together in the Same Tank?

If you are asking yourself, "can crayfish stay together?" Well, the solution goes to be a massive fat, "it depends."

There are so many factors that come into play with puppy crayfish. Trust me, I've owned several crayfish over the last few years. I've owned two electric powered blue crayfish and one albino crayfish that in all likelihood may want to have killed a small dog.

First off, how large of a tank are you making plans on the use of to keep your crayfish in? If you intend on the usage of a ten gallon fish tank for more than one crayfish, personally I'd say that's now not a good choice. One of my crayfish fought to the demise with some other one in all my crayfish even as dwelling in a 10 gallon tank. Yes, they were given alongside perfectly for a while, however subsequently it got here to claws, and these guys went at it, tough.

I recall walking in from work sooner or later to peer that my blue crayfish had been eaten through my albino crayfish. There had been tiny blue pieces of my crayfish throughout the tank. It became no longer pretty, however it really is nature on occasion.

Personally, in case you plan on having more than one crayfish, I'd propose at the least a twenty gallon fish tank with lots of hiding areas, or hideouts. Crayfish like being capable of conceal out. And being able to disguise out is in particular vital when they're molting. Because once they molt, they grow to be weak and are more susceptible to assaults by using both crayfish and different fish.

I'd also advocated retaining your crayfish fed. Now, I do now not mean in any way to over-feed your crayfish. Crayfish already dirty the tank up enough as it is and over-feeding them will simplest make it worse. So do no longer overfeed those little guys.

Just bear in mind, crayfish are scavengers and they're extraordinarily competitive. They are omnivores. They love to consume some thing they can get their claws on. Because of their nature, there's pretty tons no guarantee that they may not seize and eat every other crayfish to your tank. Having said that, try to find fish which are aggressive, swim close to the top of the tank and/or swim rapid in case you are searching out tank buddies in your crayfish. These kinds of fish could have the great possibility at surviving.

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